While Norm is still the same VERY skinny size he was in high school, I continue a life long battle against the bulge. I believe Norm’s secrets are: he smokes, he is a coffee addict, he is indifferent toward food, he does not drink alcohol, he does hard physical labor all day and he never stops moving. He is up working in the vineyard or somewhere on the property at daybreak and I have to nag him to stop at dark for dinner.
Do NOT take up smoking. I build my daily meal plan and points total from back to front, that is from the evening to the morning. Weight Watchers says a serving of wine is 4 ounces – not! We oenophiles (read wine-o’s) would never settle for less than 6 ounces in our balloon glass. Additionally, I’ll have to confess, one of those servings is never enough, I always have two. Weight Watchers calculates the 12 ounces at 4.5 points. Now, we can start to talk about what food we’ll eat the rest of the day!